Wednesday, September 30, 2009

colored pencil on Bristol Board

It's been a week since I've posted...I can't believe I can't chatter more than that.

Jack and I were at Costco many years ago and we wandered over to Pier One. I fell in love with this red plush throw and a matching pillow..doesn't exactly fit anywhere in my life, but it was perfect to put Joanie on for a drawing. (It doesn't really have tassels.)

Our fall is really here now and it's great! A little rain, a lot of sun...cooler weather...pumpkins, gourds, yellow leaves, dried corn stalks and WalMart full of Halloween. No store does holidays like WalMart. They are training people to not even bother to look elsewhere...they have it covered. Aisles full of little kids trying on costumes...shelves full of wonderful ghoulish things. I reached out to touch one item and a hand slapped mine...haha...I really jumped. I can't remember the item, it was last year, but I think it was some kind of candy dish guarded by a witch's hand.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

pencil on hot press watercolor

I don't think I've posted this picture before. I try not to post pictures of my great granddaughter, otherwise that's all this would be...her picture album.
Anyway, this is the first time she was placed on a saddle and I love her cowgirl grip...haha. Two crossed fingers. Obviously this child inherited no cowgirl genes....(or else she's destined to be a talented trick rider) Well, her mother warned me she would be raised as a city child.

I just got in from wading in my little fishpond, scooping out the pine needles, which are still falling so hard they were hitting me on the back as I worked....but, I couldn't wait any longer...pond was getting choked. These are the three prong, long Jeffrey pine needles which invariably get hooked on things...all the greenery in the it was a hand picking operation.

Jeffrey pine needles

I got my soil analysis back. Soil is too acid for most flowers...low in potassium...and lacking compost and fertilizer. But it's not that which shouldn't be blooming are, and visa versa...Good grief. I'm not going to start pouring good money into this plot of soil. This was supposed to be a fun little hobby. So, I'm going to plant only what grows well. If I really want a certain plant that doesn't like it here, I will plant it in a container with potting soil.

I would love to be spading in chicken or cow manure for compost but my dogs would dig every single plant up, sure there was a dead animal down there somewhere.

Decisions, decisions. Today is the first day I've said to myself, ok, I'll get a new knee. I had a left knee put in several years ago, but now I need a new right knee. I'm tired of walking in pain. I hate the idea of the risk of an operation and infection, death and worse, and also the painful therapy...but, I'll bite the bullet and do it. Just not yet...haha. The idea has to soak into every gene in my body.

Monday, September 21, 2009

colored pencil on something or other
done two years ago when Bingo was a pup and didn't have the feathers he has today...He was in the middle of obedience training, thus the command to "Stay" as he tries to step out of the picture.

Bingo today

up on my soap box, or blog box, with a little ranting. A friend of mine was walking her little chihuahua, Bingo, down the sidewalk. They passed a young girl sitting in her yard with her arms around her pet pit bull. She released an arm to wave and the dog dashed to the sidewalk and grabbed Bingo. Much screaming from everyone...Bingo was rescued and seemed ok....but the next day was shivering and giving little yelps when touched, so off to the vet where they discovered two puncture wounds and much bruising.

Next day my friend walked down the opposite side of the street. The mother came out and crossed to talk to her, giving her the standard pit bull owner rhetoric..."She's never done that before...She's so sweet...I'm amazed she would do that...I just don't know what happened.....blah blah blah.
It's so irresponsible to have a pit bull, not leased or fenced, in a residential neighborhood with people..and kids..walking by....(aside from the fact it's against the law.)
I read just the other day, some dog lover saying, "There's no such think as a bad dog, just a bad owner." That is so not true.
Hunting dogs hunt without being trained...retrievers retrieve, shepherds herd, and fighting dogs attack other dogs, period. They are bred that way and can't be trusted.
Ok, got that off my chest.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

watercolor on 140 lb Arches

scribble picture..pen and charcoal on Bristol
looks much better enlarged, (click on it) while I, on the other hand would look much better made nice if a double click would take care of that, too.

Got in a housekeeping mood today and did things you do only if it's spring, or you're pregnant....neither possible.

Am forced to read a Danielle Steele book today, and we are not amused.

Drug out my guitar today, dusted it off and am staring at I really want to go through the pain of developing callouses on my tender fingers again? Maybe. It pleases me much to sit and strum and sing ballads to myself...If I lived in New Orleans, I'd sit on a corner and do many people do, no one would notice another little old lady, and someone might actually toss a quarter into my shoe. What fun. All you need to know is G, C, D, E and A....and have a lot of nerve...haha. You should hear me belt out Love, Oh Love Oh Careless Love.....or not.

Better I should paint gerainiums on the guitar and forget about it.
Better still if I just go to bed and quit nattering on...ciao

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

colored pencil on Bristol board
Lazing around in a recliner for a month, staring at the ceiling does not inspire blog writing..but I'm now getting interested in things again...feel chatty today.
I bought a new, violet, velvety neck of those U shaped supports for your neck. It made me think of the little, seemingly inconsequential things that are super important to you.
I wish I had one of those things on my plane trip from hell. Three seats in a row at the windows, and I was in the middle. Huge plane...long, long flight....after hours and hours and hours the toilets were full...How could that be...aren't some things illegal? I thought they dumped that stuff over Iowa or some place....(to fertilize the corn...haha) I payed plenty for that trip...big modern jet...boy, was I naive. I got so bored and soooo tired. Couldn't walk to get my legs circulating...aisles were too narrow and too busy. Could Not sleep...shoulders pressing me on both poor head lolling back and forth. I really needed a velvet violet neck pillow then, or even a black scratchy one. And of course they lost my luggage. I'm not sure I've ever been on a flight that didn't...but then I don't fly often. I did learn to tuck a nightgown and tooth brush in my purse.
Second thing I never want to do without is my hot water tap. The first one I ever saw was my mom's. She went on and on about it....yeah, yeah, mom..(sweet old ladies love their instant tea) Well, I take that all back...I hope I never have to do without my instant hot water tap...a required tool of modern life.
I was going to say the third little thing I never wanted to do without was electric windows in a car, but I have been lately and life goes on...haha. Jack has the van but I chose a little white pickup...plain additives...and right now it has muddy raccoon prints going doing the windshield and I've been reluctant to wash them off....reminds me of living out remote instead of boring here. Of course boring is in the mind isn't it?...I should never say that again.I should go out and make myself like this boring old place...haha.
