It's been a year since I played around with this blog, and I was struck by how much my great granddaughter has grown....some of her baby pix run down the right hand side of the blog....I'll have to add some current ones.
Watermark by Vanitha Sankaran A novel of the middle ages....interesting in the way people lived...touches of the Inquisition. The father in the story is a papermaker in the days when paper was considered, maybe not an evil exactly, but certainly un-necessary.
The Worst Hard Times by Timothy Egan...non-fiction...about the dust storms of the '30s. Unlike Steinbeck's book centered in Oklahoma, this is more to the heart of where these storms did their worst...the Texas area. The devestation was so horrific it's hard to believe I hadn't heard about it before. I started skimming toward the end...enuf is enuf...but the beginning was fascinating.
The duo...The Glass Castle and Half Broke Horses, both by Jeannette Walls Bios of her family....and what a family! Guarnteed to keep you reading.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot non-fiction...gives you something to think about....the ethics of what's yours and what's not. Almost positive you'll learn something you didn't know.
The Kings of the Earth by Jon Clinch story of up state New York....poor, bleak hardluck farm with three bachelor brothers....good reading
Little Bee by Chris Cleeve story of a young Nigerian girl in danger of her life, escaping to London. Again, I learned things and that always makes it a good story for me.