I have nothing to say today.
Rat: so shut up
Pat: people with blogs don't have to shut up... besides, I can always make things up.
My garden had a vote just before I went out this morning....They voted me the best thing that ever happened to them....and gave me a big bouquet of flowers.
Rat: I'm outta here!
Rat is my alter ego. I developed a split personality when I was teaching...I had to come up with something that would explain certain cranky days.
Mrs. Hentges: "Class, I'm sorry about this morning....that was my twin sister Rat that was here teaching."
Class: "We know, Mrs. Hentges."
Mrs. Hentges: She hid my shoes and I couldn't get to school."
Class: "Yes, Mrs. Hentges."
this is Rat in her "Don't Bug Me" hat. When she had that hat on, you could not come up to the desk and bug her.

I do have a little garden thingy. When I was out weeding I found a little garden spider guarding her nest of eggs...all bound up in spider silk.
When I first saw her she had just one delicate little leg on the nest...she must have sensed me because she moved further on to cover them.
This morning I checked on little Ari (Arachne) and she was totally covering the nest, but she looked a little deflated. I was worried she was dead so I tickled her with a blade of grass, and she giggled.....
so..not to worry.

Speaking of bugs in the garden...I also saw a dead bee right smack in the center of a daisy...yes sirree...laying on his side on the yellow velvety, polleny center...What a way to go!
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