Gloriosa Daisy
Blackeyed Susan
Family: Asteraceae...(ass-ter-AY-see-ee)
doesn't that word just roll off your tongue...love it
ass ter AY see ee ass ter AY see ee ass ter AY see ee
A big bold in your face flower. So satisfying to grow.
Grows in tall, intensely yellow flower clumps that attract butterflies.
I will always have these beauties in my garden.butterfly on blossom
These flowers grow wild in almost every state. I saw my first blackeyed susans in Michigan when I was five. My mother stopped the car so I could pick some, but they were too tough to pick.
When my mother told me its name I liked it because I have a cousin Suzanne. I asked my mother if there was a flower named after me, Patsy. I was very disappointed...irked..that there wasn't. Just who was in charge of naming flowers anyway.
My cousin Susie has dark brown eyes like this gorgeous plant.
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