Raccoon Ravage
I woke up with a headache.
An ongoing fight between my pillow and my neck.
No matter...I had an easy day...could do whatever and indulge.
I wandered out into the garden to say good morning....Yikes! Mayhem and Murder! Well, maybe not murder yet, because I hadn't gotten my hands on the raccoon.
Don't ask me how I know it was a raccoon...I have a headache...I just know.

Tipped pavers...planter dumped in the drink.
This was the only picture I took.
There were rocks tumbled into the pond...FISH GONE!
Can't take a picture of fish gone.
Plastic ducky upside down, floating on his head...plants trampled and broken, decorative bird houses, that were sitting by plants, tipped over.
Oh, you should have seen the bird feeder...top yanked off and the plastic tube pulled half way up out of the top....Actually that made me smile to picture the raccoon up on top of the feeder, yanking up the dang top and throwing it on the ground...working at the plastic tube to pull it out.
The raccoon alone wouldn't have caused as much havoc, it was Bekka chasing the raccoon.
How do I know it was Bekka and not Sally...I know BadBaby.
Soooooo, I hiked up my garden pants and waded into the pond and began repairing the damage....and that's where I've been in case you missed me.
Shoot...I don't know what to do....I guess I'll start by locking the dogs out of the garden at night. They have kennels, so that I can do....wurrawurra said Winnie the Pooh.
"Remember the night is for hunting...
Remember the day is for sleep....."
Law of the Jungle by Kipling
I guess I can't really be mad at anybody, right?
Raccoons hunt.
Dogs chase.
It Is What It Is
as long as I'm ticked, I'll continue ragging on BadBaby.
Here is a picture of her laying on a newly planted Veronica.
I usually immediately place a rock or pot or something by new plants so that Bek won't lay on them, but this time I turned my back and forgot.
All that's left is the plant marker...looking like a tiny tombstone.

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